Sugar Production Grows in Nicaragua During the 2023-2024

Cycle the Sandinista Good Government, through the National System of Production, Consumption, and Commerce, continuously monitors the development of agricultural and livestock production to ensure market supply and develop strategies to increase exports.

In the 2023-2024 cycle, sugar production reached 17 million quintals, showing a growth of 6.6 percent compared to the previous cycle. In 2023, the sector generated revenues amounting to U$ 212.1 million from exports.

During the months from January to May of this year 2024, it has generated revenues up to U$ 128.1 million.

Of the total sugar production, 47 percent is sulfated sugar, 36 percent is raw sugar, and 17 percent is refined sugar.

National sugarcane production occurs on 104,000 manzanas in the departments of Granada, Chinandega, León, Managua, Carazo, and Rivas.

Source: 19 Digital

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