The President of the Republic, Commander Daniel Ortega Saavedra, described the XVII China-LAC Business Summit "Joining forces, creating opportunities: New horizons for China and Latin America and the Caribbean" as a historic and extraordinary event to promote peace, love and the development of the peoples.
"It is an extraordinary gesture that President Xi Jinping has made, whom we salute and thank for having thought of Nicaragua, so that this extraordinary event can be held here, which is an event for peace, for love, so that everything can be multiplied from the smallest businesses to the largest businesses because that will bring benefits to our peoples," said the Nicaraguan leader, highlighting the significance of this summit for the country and for the region.
He indicated that the People's Republic of China is a world power that offers a helping hand to the peoples of the world, to the African peoples, to the Asian peoples and also to the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean.
He stressed that as a young student he was part of the Nicaraguan Patriotic Youth, later the Sandinista National Liberation Front was founded, which was joined by young revolutionaries who had great admiration, respect and affection for the leaders of the People's Republic of China and the Communist Party of China.
"And the admiration, the respect, the affection that we had for the People's Republic of China and for that Great Historical Leader, Comrade Mao Tse-Tung, Hero of Heroes, Leader of that Great Homeland."
"He laid the foundations for China to be a World Power today, a World Power whose Path is Socialist, and the Socialist is Christian, because Christ said: Love your neighbor as yourself. And that is the practice of the Chinese Communist Party with its People, which transcends other impoverished, enslaved, colonized Peoples, such as the African peoples, who have received Solidarity, Affection, Respect, and accompaniment, to get out of misery, to get out of slavery, from the People's Republic of China," Daniel stressed.
"For Nicaragua this is a historic act, a historic fact, historic that in this, with this small country that is at the waist of immortal America as Neruda (writer Pablo Neruda) said, tiny Nicaragua here in the middle, the south opening up and the north opening up, and here in Central America the waist and Nicaragua in the center of the waist," the Nicaraguan leader stressed.
He added "and who could imagine that a power like the People's Republic of China would have the gesture of calling for a meeting of the XVII China-Latin America and the Caribbean Business Summit. And this says a lot about what the history of Nicaragua has been and is, it says a lot about the pain that Nicaragua has suffered and the values that have been raised in Nicaragua to multiply the fight for peace, the fight for stability, the fight for security, which are fundamental conditions in any country in the world so that people can develop, so that everything can develop from the smallest business to the largest companies, where there is no peace, there is no development, where there is no peace, what there is is pain, poverty, misery.”
He recalled that our universal poet Rubén Darío exalted that even in great powers like the United States, he could see the misery and poverty in New York.
“He wrote with a pained soul, because he saw the contrast of wealth and misery, and of the poor sleeping under bridges, sleeping in the streets, dying of cold, and Darío said, ‘and the saddest thing, my God, is that they are sleeping in pain, pain, pain. ’ When there is no solidarity, when there is no love for one's neighbour, situations like this arise and what the People's Republic of China has done is to lend a hand first of all to the African and Asian peoples."
The inhuman history against Africa; the greatest horror film
“Africa, the continent that has suffered the most in the history of the planet, the continent where human beings were turned into beasts of burden, into slaves and the Europeans paraded them around exhibiting them to take them to the fields where they were exploited and where they were sold as merchandise, human beings turned into merchandise, yes, that must not be forgotten, it cannot be forgotten. And children, entire families sold as merchandise and there the Europeans came to choose the merchandise, they bought it, they had the slaves already chained, the father, the mother and the children, and the buyers arrived and then the ships left Africa and travelled around Europe and in Europe they were very well received, the slave traders were very well treated, the European powers had no shame in having these human beings move there through its ports, where they bought a few slaves to stay in France and the others continued and passed through England and in England they also bought a good number of slaves because they were already bringing slaves to these lands that had been conquered by the imperialists of the earth, they had taken over all of America and they brought slaves and treated them worse than animals and the life of a slave depended on the will of the one who had bought that slave, he could punish him with whipping and he could hang him, he could kill him and nothing would happen.”
Commander Ortega emphasized that the history of Africa “is the greatest horror movie, a horror movie embodied by those who have presented themselves and continue to present themselves as the most civilized, the most respectful of human rights, they did not treat the peoples, nor the native peoples of Our America, in this way, none of these powers, even the North American power that once dictated America for the Americans, that is, America for the Yankees, not even they have had the behavior, being here in their backyard as they say, they have not made a gesture to promote meetings like these to combat poverty, to combat misery, to build housing for people who live in extreme poverty, to bring water and energy to the towns where there is still no water or energy, there are still millions, there are millions in Latin America and the Caribbean, in Africa, there are still millions and there do not appear those who say the fathers of democracy, the fathers of human rights, we do not see them, they have never called a meeting like this, not even in the time of Somoza who was the son of a bitch of They, as Roosevelt clearly said when he was asked why they supported Somoza, he is our son of a bitch, he said it, that is what he said, but not even at that time did they worry about bringing at least education to Nicaragua, because by educating themselves, a people has the tools to survive, when the Revolution triumphed in Nicaragua there were 60 percent of illiterates under the domination of Somoza and Somoza under the domination of the United States, yes, there was no freedom of trade here everything was monopolized by Somoza and his family."
Investments to end poverty
He pointed out that this business summit held and promoted by the People's Republic of China "is an extraordinary gesture by President Xi Jinping, whom we salute and thank for having thought of Nicaragua so that this extraordinary event can be held here, which is an event for peace, for love, so that businesses can multiply from the smallest to the largest because that will bring benefits to our people."
He greeted the 250 representatives of institutions and companies from China who "come with a heart of love, they do not come with that heart to exploit or oppress, or enslave, but they come with a heart to share love, to share joy, share benefits, share programs, investments, projects of all kinds to take our people out of misery, out of poverty." Likewise, President Daniel greeted the more than 70 delegates from Latin American and Caribbean countries.
"Unity is strength, that is a giant step that we are taking, united among all of us, including small countries like ours, but accompanied by a power that has much to contribute to the well-being of our people," said Daniel.
Source: 19 Digital
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