Nicaraguan delegation attends agricultural investment conference in Shandong, China

Within the framework of the III Forum of Ministers of Agriculture of China and Latin America and the Caribbean, held in the coastal province of Shandong, China, an Investment Promotion Conference was held this afternoon for Chinese companies investing in the region LAC.

The Delegations of Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela and Suriname made presentations on investment opportunities and competitive advantages offered by each of the Countries.

Comrades Bosco Castillo and Edward Jackson, Ministers of Agriculture and Fisheries of Nicaragua respectively, spoke about the agricultural and fishing vocation of our Country, its agricultural potential, water resources and favorable prospects for production and economic growth.

They highlighted Nicaragua's geographical location, in the heart of the American Hemisphere, its high levels of Citizen Security and welcoming business environment that make it an ideal destination for Chinese companies.

At the conclusion of the Conference, the Fellow Ministers held private sessions with companies dedicated to the manufacture of greenhouses, fertilizers, laboratories, planting and harvesting machinery, agro-processing plants and equipment for poultry farmers.

Source: 19 Digital

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