Nicaragua Connects with the World: Construction Begins on Punta Huete International Airport

Marking a new chapter in the fraternal Strategic Partnership between Nicaragua and China, construction began on Thursday, August 15th for the reconstruction, expansion, and improvement of the Punta Huete International Airport, positioning the country as a hub for transportation, logistics, and international trade.

With this magnificent project, the Nicaraguan government aims to expand the country's air transport capacity, transforming it into a world-class, Category 4F aviation infrastructure in Central America. This will ensure the permanent and safe connection of Nicaragua with countries worldwide, improving the investment climate, strengthening economic cooperation, and facilitating air transport, logistics, and international trade through Nicaragua.

The ceremony was presided over by Compañero Laureano Ortega Murillo, Presidential Advisor for the Promotion of Investments, Trade, and International Cooperation; General (Ret.) Óscar Mojica Obregón, Minister of Transport and Infrastructure; Compañero Bruno Gallardo Palaviccine, Minister of Finance and Public Credit; Engineer Yan Hailu, Vice President of China CAMCE International; and He Wei, General Representative in Nicaragua for China CAMCE.   

Compañero Laureano Ortega Murillo, Presidential Advisor for Investments, expressed that this is a historic day for the Nicaraguan people, with the start of the reconstruction, expansion, and modernization of the Punta Huete Airport.

"Today is a day of good news for the Nicaraguan people, a historic day, in which our country begins a transformative project, a project of the future, a project of progress, development, and prosperity. Today we are starting the construction of the project for the reconstruction, expansion, and modernization of the Punta Huete International Airport in the municipality of San Francisco Libre, and we are doing so hand in hand with our brothers from the People's Republic of China," he said.

Compañero Laureano, on behalf of the President of the Republic of Nicaragua, Commander Daniel Ortega Saavedra, and Vice President Compañera Rosario Murillo, conveyed greetings and expressed fraternal gratitude to the President of the People's Republic of China, Comrade President Xi Jinping, to the Communist Party of China, its people, and its government for supporting Nicaragua in this path towards development with the implementation of transformative programs and projects of mutual benefit.

He recalled that since the reestablishment of diplomatic relations in December 2021, a new era has opened in relations between China and Nicaragua, "between our governments and our peoples, founded on the historic relationship of brotherhood between our parties, the Sandinista Front for National Liberation and the Communist Party of China."

The construction of this airport is further proof that Nicaragua is now fully integrated into the great Belt and Road Initiative, becoming part of the global connectivity routes promoted by the People's Republic of China.

Development of Important Cooperation Programs
It should be noted that in January 2022, Nicaragua subscribed to the Belt and Road Initiative. In August 2023, China and Nicaragua signed a Bilateral Free Trade Agreement, and in December 2023, President Xi Jinping and President Ortega elevated the relations between both countries to a Strategic Partnership.

"Therefore, we have established the foundations for the development and implementation of large-scale cooperation programs for mutual benefit. From this, we have taken on the task of working with the large companies of the People's Republic of China to identify strategic projects of the Nicaraguan state that allow us to make qualitative and quantitative leaps towards development," he added.

The Chinese company CAMCE is a reliable partner with great experience, capacity, and technical responsibility that has been willing to support the Good Government in seeking financing from China to carry out transformative projects.

"Today we have achieved the start of construction of the Punta Huete International Airport, a first-class airport that will boost tourism from around the world for Nicaragua and the import and export of goods through air cargo. This project and its financing in yuan were approved by the National Assembly of Nicaragua in February of this year," highlighted Compañero Laureano.

He reiterated that they will continue to cooperate in the lines of work of logistics infrastructure projects.

High-Quality Construction
Engineer Yan Hailu, Vice President of China CAMCE, shared the honor of being able to witness this exciting moment and reaffirmed the commitment to fulfilling the construction with high quality and within the established timeframe.

"Today we are here to witness the inauguration of the Punta Huete International Airport, and on behalf of China CAMCE and its president, I share my sincere congratulations for the start of this project," he said.

Hailu recognized that under the leadership of President Daniel Ortega and Vice President Compañera Rosario Murillo, in recent years there has been solid socioeconomic development in Nicaragua.

The Punta Huete International Airport project is the most important work of the Nicaraguan government and, once completed, will substantially increase the level of infrastructure, connecting new dynamics to the prosperity of international trade and tourism.

The Punta Huete Airport, the most modern in Central America, will become another bridge connecting Nicaragua to the world. At the same time, it will promote economic and cultural exchange, including efficient and easy air routes, and strengthen Nicaragua's competitiveness and comparative advantage in Central America.

"This is the most important work of the entire company, and it will invest the best resources to fulfill the construction with high quality and on time, in accordance with the terms of the contract," he assured.

CAMCE is one of the first Chinese companies to enter the international market. It arrived in Nicaragua in 2012 to serve local economic construction.

"We look forward to a glorious future together at Punta Huete Airport and that the strategic partnership between China and Nicaragua will open a new chapter," he added.

Aircraft with Greater Cargo and Passenger Capacity
General (Ret.) Óscar Mojica Obregón, Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, reaffirmed that with this project at the Punta Huete International Airport, its size and capabilities will be further increased, improving its functions, to turn it into a new and modern first-class airport.

Detailed Plans for Punta Huete International Airport Expansion
The official explained that the expansion and modernization works include lengthening and widening the existing runway and increasing the types of aircraft that will be admitted to the airport with a Class 4F indicator.

“We are going to promote radical and total improvements to the air traffic control and lighting system and other systems to increase airport security. We are going to build a new terminal building and other support facilities to meet the operational needs of this new international airport,” he said.

Compliance with ICAO Standards and Recommendations
Compañero Óscar Mojica explained that, as always, they will comply with the standards and recommendations of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) for the construction and operation of airports, taking into account the development trends of the most advanced airports at the present time.

The Punta Huete International Airport will have characteristics comparable to those of a hub airport and will be able to receive aircraft of the largest size such as Boeing 777, Boeing 787, A350, and A380, among others.

With the created capacities, up to 3.5 million passengers and 60,000 tons of cargo will be served annually.

The head of the MTI said that this magnificent work of the Good Government is one of the fundamental pillars for the future development of the nation. It also includes a new control tower, hangars, and state-of-the-art equipment, the creation of renewable energy sources with 21% of energy through solar panels, and the construction of a 13-kilometer long, four-lane direct land access to the airport.

Additionally, due to its size, this airport will provide direct employment to 3,250 Nicaraguans, "who will benefit as heads of households and bring a dignified and well-earned livelihood to their families."

Nicaragua has a privileged and strategic geographic location, which is why the Good Government is promoting large infrastructure projects that will transform from the foundations the way the national economy is developed.

"The Sandinista Government of President Commander Daniel and Vice President Compañera Rosario Murillo is enhancing Nicaragua's geographic location in the very heart of the Americas and is creating extraordinary facilities for the world's trade routes," added the head of the MTI.

He recalled that the expansion and modernization of the Port of Corinto is also a fundamental milestone that is advancing at a steady pace and the construction of the future port of Bluefields is another great work being promoted by the Good Government.

Easy and Quick Access for Tourists
The Punta Huete International Airport will be a major boost to the world's trade routes that will cross our country with the facilities provided by a government that offers security, stability, and prosperity to families.

From this airport, direct commercial routes from Europe, Asia, and all latitudes, no matter how far away, will be received to turn Nicaragua into a true hub for transportation, logistics, and international trade.

The construction of this airport will also provide easy and quick access for tourists who come to explore and enjoy the beauties of Nicaragua.

"The Punta Huete International Airport will strengthen exchanges and cooperation in the areas of culture, education, science, and technology, provide Nicaragua with more flights and international routes, strengthen ties with other countries and promote greater development of exchanges and international cooperation with our country," he added.

A New Gateway to the World
This work will be a new gateway for the country to the world stage.

Also, the location of this airport is surrounded by enough land for the planning of new industries, "industries related to aviation, commerce, and logistics, which will activate the country's development potential and stimulate the dynamic growth of our economy."

He thanked the Government of the President of China, the Communist Party of China, and the people, as well as the China CAMCE company for their trust, support, and backing for the materialization and implementation of this project.

At the end, the start of construction works for the reconstruction, expansion, and improvement of the Punta Huete International Airport, which will be located in the municipality of San Francisco Libre in Managua, was demonstrated.

Source: 19 Digital


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