Vice President Rosario Murillo stressed at the Chinese Business Summit that President Daniel Ortega presented the Nicaragua Canal Project as a key initiative for peace, development and the fight against poverty, highlighting the country's unique conditions for a new maritime route.
"Good afternoon, dear families of this blessed, prodigious, portentous Nicaragua, always free, dignified, sovereign, full of love, this Nicaragua where we live in miraculous times, grateful to God because he gives us these times that we fully inhabit with hearts full of recognition, and also, living, defending, safeguarding the essential heritage of our people and of Nicaraguan families, peace and the right to well-being, the right to escape poverty," she said.
He shared that "last night at that vibrant Chinese Business Summit, in our great Latin American and Caribbean homeland, we first saluted that special event that shows the spiritual greatness, the human greatness of the People's Republic of China that seeks, forges, develops alliances with the peoples of the world, creating that community of shared future."
"And from that scenario of alliance for security, for peace, and for fair development, to advance against poverty, our Commander Daniel, presented the Nicaragua Canal Project, the best possible scenario, because we all know how necessary a new maritime route is, and Nicaragua from all times in history, in our history, has the best conditions for that project, so necessary we said, so important for the world, a necessary, essential project," he stressed.
"And a country that has, that has all the strengths, the strengths that God has given us, the strengths that we care for with our soul, the strengths that we know are ours, the strengths that define us as a country, as a people, as Nicaraguan families, necessary projects, essential for peace, for security, and for the fight against poverty," he explained.
"The Canal through Nicaragua, on a route that Commander Daniel presented at that great Summit of hope, the Summit of hope, and the Summit that allows us to continue realizing our dreams," he announced.
Source: 19 Digital
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