Three large ships to cover maritime route with China

The head of the MTI, Óscar Mojica, recalled this Tuesday that three large ships are available to cover the new maritime route with the People's Republic of China, which he described as "permanent and stable", opening great possibilities for both imports and exports.

"Bringing Chinese products with this ease of time, costs, transportation, without passing through other complicated routes in today's world, a direct route greatly facilitates maritime transport operations to Nicaragua", he said.

The official reported that the government is making significant investments in the port of Corinto, allowing progress in the construction of a new multipurpose dock, the reorganization of the facility, and the construction of a large logistics center for administration.

"The port is already growing in an orderly manner with a clear vision of the future. Additionally, this is the first stage of Corinto's growth. Work is underway with a Chinese company on a second stage of expansion and modernization of this port to place it among the main ports of the Pacific in America".

Meanwhile, the minister counselor of the embassy of the People's Republic of China, Zhuo Yi, stated that this is contributing to the friendly relations between both nations.

"I agree with what comrade Laureano has said about the importance of this maritime route and the realization of this direct maritime route between the port of Tianjin and the port of Corinto," he noted.

Meanwhile, Laureano Ortega affirmed that, in concrete terms for entrepreneurs and traders, having this maritime route gives them greater security in reducing time.

He recalled that previously, shipments to China could take up to 2 months, but with this direct route, they are talking about 30 days.

"Saving between 15 and up to 30 days of travel is a significant saving and will greatly improve your operating costs", he said.

For his part, the deputy minister of MIFIC, Erwin Vicente Ramírez Colindres, stated that the opening of this route is fundamental because it precisely contributes to reducing costs and maximizing the commercial flow around the treaty.

"We have said that the FTA is an excellent opportunity to place our products, our exportable offer, in that huge Chinese market. As we have a transportation route that provides certainty and reduces costs, our exportable offer becomes more competitive in that market to which we have access through the FTA," he assured.

Source: Radio La Primerísima

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